If you want to promote your fusion energy business, go to “Nuclear Fusion Teacher”

Seeking Fusion Advertisers
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先に 核融合Q&A-1~5 までを読んで頂くと、記事の理解が早まるのでオススメです

For promotions and advertisements related to nuclear fusion (fusion energy), check out “Nuclear Fusion Teacher,” which is viewed more than 30,000 times a year!

On this website, “The Nuclear Fusion Teacher,” you can post promotional, and advertising articles related to nuclear fusion (for a fee). They can be used for research, business, recruitment, and personal activities.

If you are worried about not getting attention for your nuclear fusion project, please contact us!

Our website, “The Nuclear Fusion Teacher,” features many articles about fusion energy, a topic that is currently gaining worldwide attention, from the basics of the technology to the latest world news. People interested in nuclear fusion view the website more than 30,000 times a year (more than 25,000 views in the 10 months from January 2024 to October 2024, Jetpack statistics).

Why not use this site for your/your laboratory/company’s nuclear fusion promotion, advertising, and recruitment activities?

Please use this form to contact us. This article explains the benefits of advertising on “Nuclear Fusion Teacher” and how to apply.

核融合発電ワールド 出展レポート

What are the promotional services of “Nuclear Fusion Teacher”? 

This is a paid service that allows you to create and publish one page of your article on this website.

Please send us the text and images of the article you would like to post by email, and we will edit it for publication on our website.

Anything related to nuclear fusion is OK. (The content will be checked and reviewed by our website.)

  • Research Activities
  • Companies’ Business
  • Recruitment
  • Promotion of personal activities

It can be used in various nuclear fusion scenes such as the above!

核融合の先生 宣伝記事募集

“Nuclear Fusion Teacher” ranks highly in Google searches for nuclear-fusion-related keywords

 I’m sure there are many people who have the same problem: when they search for “nuclear fusion” on Google, their website doesn’t come up easily.

In order for your website to rank highly in Google searches, you will generally need SEO (search engine optimization), authority, and dozens of high-quality articles with fusion-related topics.

In other words, you need to prove to the search engine Google that your site provides quality information about nuclear fusion. However, unless you have a high level of authority (already being well-known), this cannot be achieved overnight. However, our site has already cleared that requirement.

Ranked in the top 10 for searches such as “nuclear fusion jobs” and “nuclear fusion mass defect”

For example, if you search for “nuclear fusion employment ” or “nuclear fusion mass defect ” on Google, our site will rank within the top 10. In other words, our site’s articles will appear on the first page of search results. (Based on our research as of April 2024)

核融合の先生 スポンサー募集
◆2024年~ 核融合の先生 閲覧数 >> 現在 40,913 回閲覧されています!◆

If you post your article on this site, it will help promote nuclear fusion!

By promoting nuclear fusion on our site, you will receive the following benefits:

  • As mentioned above, our site has already gained credibility in Google searches related to “nuclear fusion.” Therefore, 
    your nuclear fusion articles published on our site are likely to rank higher in Google searches!
  • People who come to view other articles on this site may also jump to your article ➤ Increase your number of visitors!

Nuclear Fusion Promotion Fee (Article Publication Fee)

The publication fee per article is as follows:

  • If you would like to post multiple articles, the fee will be charged for each article. (Up to 3 articles per company can be posted)
  • Please note that, except for corrections of typos, changes to the content of the article cannot be made mid-way through the process. (However, changes can be made up to two times for the 365-day plan only.)
Publication period ➤30 days60 days90 days
University laboratories and individuals ➤10,000 yen18,000 yen25,000 yen
Companies, organizations, and others ➤20,000 yen36,000 yen50,000 yen
Publication period ➤180 days365 days + Article content change up to 2 times
University laboratories and individuals ➤40,000 yen60,000 yen 👑
Companies, organizations, and others ➤80,000 yen120,000 yen 👑




Nuclear Fusion Promotion Service Application Procedure


First, contact us via our contact form

First, please contact us using the contact form at the top of this article page. Please include your name, affiliation, contact email address, and in the message field, a message of 200 words or less about the content of article you would like to publish.


Create your promotional article ➤ Send in Word format

Please download the Word format for articles above, or we will send it to you by email (as it may not be possible to download depending on the browser). Paste the text and images of your article on the Word format to create your article. Please limit the text to less than 1500 words and up to 10 images (please consult us separately if you need more). If you have images, please include them in the Word format so that their position is clear.

After that,

  • Please reply by attaching the Word file to an email.
  • Images should be in .jpg or .png and attached to the email separately from the Word file.

Check the sample page ➤ Contact us with your desired posting period

We will check the contents of the Word document, and if there are no problems, we will create a sample Web page. Once this is completed, we will contact you with the article URL and password, so you can check the contents.

If you have no problem with this, please let us know by email how many months you would like your article to be listed (1 month to 12 months).


Payment by credit card ➤ Start posting

We will inform you of the URL of the page for credit card payments or the bank transfer details. Then please complete the payment. (Note that we cannot provide refunds.)

For payments by credit card, etc., we use a system called Codoc . We accept various credit cards and convenience store payments (as of May 2024).

核融合の宣伝 Codoc対応クレジットカード
核融合の宣伝 Codoc対応コンビニ決済

Once we have confirmed your payment, we will begin publishing your article and inform you.

Please consider using our service!

(Please note that this site does not follow “qualified invoice issuer” system in Japan.)

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About Codoc’s payment system

For your reference, an example of the payment system of Codoc is shown below. If you click the “記事を購入” button, then a payment process will be started.

(Since the below is just an example but a real payment system, please do not complete the payment except if you’d like to donate to us.)

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